law offices
Adverse outcomes happen in healthcare.
We can differentiate bad luck from bad medicine.
how we can help
Review of medical records to determine liability, damages and causation and give an opinion regarding merit. Where needed, prepare affidavit of merit.
Identify deviations in standard of care and all responsible parties, define consequences of deviations, include authoritative research, identify areas of focus for opposing counsel, provide a detailed timeline, identify missing records and components needed for discovery.
Provide authoritative literature, integrate literature into case analysis, analyze validity of research studies relied on by all parties; interview clients, key witnesses and experts; consult with health care providers.
Identify and locate medical expert witnesses, act as a liason between you and the expert, analyze and compare expert witness reports, help prepare witnesses and experts for deposition and trial; assist with discovery, prepare interrogatories and deposition questions; summarize and analyze deposition transcripts; prepare exhibits and other demonstrative evidence.